In case you didn't already see the gigantic picture of myself from the front page of my website, I'm Sydney. I've been drawing and doing arts and crafts since I could properly hold things in my hands. I used to draw stick figures on copy paper everyday when I came back from school and make up imaginary stories of them in my head. From then on, I quickly realized the only subject in school that was able to hold my short attention span and make me even a little bit excited was art. I continued my love for art and creation throughout my adolescent years till now dabbling in photography, videography, woodworking, and illustration and ceramics.

When I finished getting my associates at my local community college, I realized that I didn't want to work for anybody. I was broke and decided I would try my luck at starting my first business making art prints I drew with paint and sharpies on paper. I would get them printed on nice matte cardstock paper at Staples and sell them at markets in an attempt to make quick cash. I had no experience prior to showing up to these markets and my setup was terrible and don't even get me started on my saleswomen skills. 0. Nada.

In 2020, I started selling illustrated stickers through instagram dms and found myself opening up an Etsy shop. I went from 0 orders to 150 in about a span of a couple of days all thanks to Reddit. Out of all places, right?? From there on out, I just spent all of my time illustrating and even adding pop culture inspired cards. A year and 600+ orders later, I put my shop on a forever vacation mode to go back to a more stable income. A couple months after I put my shop on vacation mode, I decided to go back to selling at markets for some extra vanilla latte money since I had some inventory left.

In mid April of 2022 I was right back to where I started at the Queens Night Market. I did so terrible the first time I was there 3 years ago when I knew nothing but I just loved the feeling of in person events and seeing the joy of people's faces when they see my work. Getting to connect with people through my art and seeing who decides to give my work a new home is truly a feeling of happiness I hope everyone gets to experience in this lifetime. Every year I feel like I grow/ learn so much about myself and how to run a business.

Anyhoo, thank you for reading this far & thank you for being here. I'm excited to offer my art online again. Thanks for following me on my journey as I attempt to navigate my 20's and go against societal norms lol.

With much love,
